Thursday, April 29, 2010
time to go to work

Ahh how I have missed you the words that give my life meaning. I recently went on vacation to Florida to visit family. What can be expected from any large family gathering CHAOS. Pure ungarnished in your face balls to the wall chaos. every one has their own opinion's own versions of how history went down, own grudges and personal dilemmas but yet we are all compelled by blood or maybe conscience to get together and just be. between the ages of 16- and 21 I didn't really get family or why is it necessary to get together and celebrate some arbitrary event baby-shower engagement, new job, going away party, I dare say even funeral.
now the great age of 22 is upon me and it has dawned some new perspective, some new knowledge from somewhere deep in our cerebral cortex. Family is important, not to say i didn't know family was important before but I didn't really understand what it meant. Now I think I have some small inkling. Family makes you want to be a better you, makes you want to live in a better world. Blood is not the only thing that determines family status ( not to me anyway) if you know me even a little you know I trust without reservations all my close friends ( most everyone in my previous shout-outs post) are considered family to me. at this recent family event I took a step back from my usual narcissism and pessimism and looked at what was really going on. Everyone was laughing and having a good time even with all the negativity that they once held for each other even with all the tears and angry words once professed in the worst of times. I was a little sceptic at first to go to this gathering thinking it would be the same old fake, oh how are you, how have you been, what else can i say to make this conversation any less painful for the two of us, moments.
Something happened though during my moment of reflectiveness I realized it was my perspective that clouded my vision at previous gatherings. Didn't let me see what was really going on people happy to just be near each other to share a fleeting moment with a loved one someone they in essence knew their whole lives, yeah they may have different interest and not agree with everyones life choices but some universal truth anchors us together and since we at a small age came to accept that fact. indulge no thrive in each others company in each others win's as well as each others losses. So needless to say it was a positive experience for me both because I got to reconnect with my long lost brother/friend Blaine but I came away with a deeper understanding of why we do it all.
Word to the wise, As we move along this treacherous terrain known as life, friends come and go family sticks with you through the tough times through the easy times.
just reheard a quote I always liked and thought I would share TO err is human to forgive is divine
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Grease Lightning

Summer LOVING, Yeah its summer time and Im going in, no hold bars NYC Im going hard show me all you have to offer. Due to extenuating circumstances my past couple summers were not all they could have been,not this time. Im pulling out all the stops Im cooming hard NYC lookout You are my city and there is nothing like NYC in the summer no better place in all the world for a new yorker nothing like it the lights, the action, the movements, the 3 am trips to 42nd cause its the easiest mcdonalds to reach. the 6 am trips to the beach to get there before the crowd. the 11pm club lines just to pay 15 bucks for a drink the HOTEL PARTIES, the drugs (for those who partake not my cup of tea) the WOMEN! ahh NYC treats me well in the summer time. I dont want to remember last night I wanna stroll homies in shopping carts (shout outs to panda and nick) I wanna break up fights, and Enjoy boogie breaks, I wanna be a part of it NEW YORK!
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