I'm back currently using this as a muse to finish a paper on humanity and frankenstein, ohh how the words betray me when they need to be assessed. So school is rapping up FTW!, Im sorry I was scared of you, Afraid to write, insecure that I might not still have it. So I did what I do best Stayed away, put foot to pavement and never looked back. Currently being promiscuous with restricitions offcourse, no fat chicks, girls who watch jersey shore or are just generally insecure.
lupe fiascos lasers came out and I have to admit I have'nt purchased it yet but I have all the intent to. I know I owe you a better explination for the uncalled leave of absence, And truth is I just kept finding reasons not to write not to express myself, I secretly wanna blame the weather rough winter as it was just made me generally not wanna do anything. I recently got drunk first time in forever, felt good to be intoxicated, overran with emotions and feeling, so sick of just being numb, I dont want this to be a rant about feelings god I have enough of that in frankenstein. i will make better attempts to stay in contact. food for thought, " A man with one watch knows what time it is; a man with two watches is never quite sure".