Two sides to every coin, story, life.
so these are my two sides. Im stuck in limbo not quite sure if im living in heaven or hell, and if thats a blessing or a curse. Alright for all intensive purposes im single mainly because I refuse to settle and get in a commited relationship with someone thats not on equal footing or that im not head over heels in love for. The other day it was pooring cats and dogs in nyc perfect condition to just sit at home with the wife and catch up on each other. Seeing as im in a single dude that wasent possible and I've done that before so Its safe to say I felt a little loss. in contrary I also get to go out on dates, hit on women, have one night stands and not have to worry about anyone cheating on me or unslept nights worrying about someone else. I know ultimatly I want that in life but at 23? it would seem like an easy choice right? but its not Im so not artificial, superficial, shallow I generally have an interest in women, their plight there feelings, If I say so myself I have grown into quite the gentleman, respect honor and honsety being some of my more desierable traits, but also my downfall women in my generation dont really appreciate these traits. It's the only way my mother, grandmother two older sisters taught me how to be its all I know. so I will keep trying till my princess charming comes along.