The world will notice. It will see, and smile with you. Hello my loyal fans all 3 of you. Its been a week so its safe to say I have gotten myself into some adventures and met some characters. On the bumpy, wide, worn down road of the world I've traveled only 22 and my feet HURT. I have shared some laughs and some hurts some misgivings and misunderstandings and its show me the follies of my ways. You still have to smile with your heart. Embrace your culture and the culture of the world. I came across this theory of interconnectedness, that we are all connected that the smallest movement of the smallest thing affects magnitudes of the world. An Its not that hard to believe. I have come into myself. Defined who I want to be (shout outs to college for that). It was not easy It took a lot of trial and error, So if any pics of me in all black and eyeliner surface I apologize ahead of time. It boggles the mind to think of all the butterflies and small insignificant things that made me who I am, All the missed trains that allowed me to meet all the wonderful people I currently know. the couple of extra times I hit snooze on my blackberry when it was telling me it was GO time. The wonderful sun is out in N.Y.C., Its warmth is engulfing, and inspiring forcing us city critters to flee our habitats in search of food, companionship and growth.
Realistically Speaking I said a whole lot of nothing and nothing on a whole lot. but the words flow out of me like a conduit, of the human condition. I am the spokesperson for the few that get it, and realize how hard it was to grasp. the little things make me happy, and the big things I don't trust. I have had my difficulties and so will you, but you will bounce back. Summer is on the horizon, one day at a time it's creeping and unlike previous summers I'll know im enjoying myself.