Just Sex.

according to Webster dictionary it is something of private or personal nature, I think Intimacy with another person is what we strive for, In New York City anyway. A city filled with so many people a quite alone private moment is a rarity, sometimes I can be surrounded by friends and family and still be very,very alone not intimate but opening up and sharing is the key. So today I share something with my loyal fans all 2 of them. My thoughts on sex. Its never just sex not with me anyway. Again my history plays a major role in my opinions towards sex. Since an early age i was exposed to sex (no I was not molested or had sex at a young age, 16 actually) its just that for some strange reason boys in my culture are encouraged to watch porn and often hear of sexual acts and so on from the older guys (I'm never one to judge just the norms of the haitian society to be non shalont about it infront of boys and ask girls to leave the room and so on when sex is bought up). So I never really thought much of sex due to the fact that I was exposed so early, I never giggled in class when the teacher had to show the condom and the banana or any sexual refrence was made. Being confused about how I should feel about something never stood well with me so i did the logical thing I went out and researched and formed my own opinion and I find sex is something thats fun and enjoyable but its also SACRED maybe just maybe soon i will believe that only a husband and wife should have sex in the biblical version ( and no not just misionairy they should get real freaky) guess im old fashion like that because I never valued sex when I was younger (seeing it on t.v. and so on if anything it pushed me away not made me want to do it more) I value it now. While in my easily influenced age both my sisters had teenage pregnancies leaving me to babysit a WHOLE lot and if anything you have ever heard from anyone else about premarital sex is not a deterance babysitting when you wanna be out playing basketball makes YOU Really think about it. So I was always timid due to the facts I stated earlier, But now at 21 I think really is it worth it to go around and philander ( sometimes my loins betray my mind but easily controlled) nay I say so I think the next time I decide to have sex it will be special not just sex, something
Sex is definitely at it's best with a significant other though. Tntimacy, affection; it's not the same with a stranger as it is with someone you have feelings for.
ReplyDeleteThis isn't me saying don't go for that cute biddie at the bar though