when heading to see a friend I specifically took a notepad with me to write down my thoughts on the train so I can post them on the blog later. Of course its the most epic post ever written in the history of bloggodom and ofcourse I leave it at her house! and she cant find it. Should I have expected any less? I remember Tidbits and stibdit of what I wrote but I wont even put it to shame by attempting to recreate it. How is life going you ask? Great making progress on alot of scenes doing me and getting myself to the next level what more can you ask? I have come up with this terrific idea of a photo journal that I would like to per sue I will be keeping it a secret for the time being to many bitters out in the world. I would like to find someone to accompany me while I take all these pictures any takers? Nikon d40 has inspired this current photo journal well him and god, I have taken a interest in the catholic church. Why you ask? because my sister is about to have her baptism and I dare say me taking her to church every Sunday for at least 5 months had something to do with it. I was never a person to believe/ follow organize religion but you cant knock it till you tried it right so for the time being i will consider my self a catholic who knows what dreams may come so take it with a grain of salt.
I remembered the name of the post at least it was called stepping stones with some allocation to the fact that we all meet people in our life who help us become great sorta like our own personal "Bagger Vance" god knows I have had a few teachers and more students but isnt that what life is about impacting others and hopefully for the better? Look out for the photo journal coming soon to a blog near you :), I have come to the conclusion that time is on my side she (yeah ill give it motherly Attributes) she cares for me, she teaches me, she heals me, she listens, she never stops caring.
photo journal. wow, way ahead of me. :)