This semester I have a few breaks. Today during one of these alloted useless time zones I found myself wandering the library at school. During my aimless wandering I came across a Shakespeare Classic, The Merchant of Venice. I continued to pick up the book and noticed its not just any Shakespearean masterpiece but thee Shakespearean masterpiece as if god himself wanted me to read this. The book in a very serendipitous manner has been written all over with clues and hints to the hidden meaning that William blessed us with. It has taken me a while to go through the book literally 30 minutes for like 10 pages I meticulously go through page, paragraph, line, word with care and using all my mental prowess to devour and comprehend, and I still fell short. William Shakespeare was a master writer his literary prowess is unmatched. I found myself just within the first 10 pages enticed amazed and enamored all at the same time. Not wanting to Remove my eyes from the parchment,but of course all's well that ends well, and time for class came up (of course I found the book during my second break and not first one when I would have had twice as long to enjoy.). English class none the less guess I was prepping my mind for the hoops my english professor made me jump. My school I.D. strip or code or something messed up so I couldn't rent the book I can only hope that tomorrow its still in the same hiding spot I left it. On a more negative note Im feeling melancholy, pensive I hate to say depressed because then I would convince myself to take a zoloft or perkaset. just a general aura of sadness about me and it seems to resonate with me I cant get rid of it no matter how I confuse myself to beliving something good is happening in my life. I needed that book with me on the train today. I just sat there for an hour each way could have been devoted to deciphering Shakespeare's mind or Sudoku.
So fucking cliche,
ReplyDeleteBut I must do it of course with a twist.
Dont give up, believe it or not you are your own worse enemy. Stop fighting yourself and you will see.
Just let that simmer for a while.