I just wanted to say thank you. You're words don't hurt, they don't make me feel bad, they don't make me want to give up They make me want to try harder, to accomplish more. Saw this add for Louis Vuitton and it was about journey, and it got me thinking. Im not sure how a ad about overpriced clothes and bags could hit the nail so squarely on the head but it did. The commercial asked an important question does the man make the journey or does the journey make the man? What is your take on it my answers still out I'll let the jury decide.
October Has been slow not much going on its starting to get colder which is a good sign. Global warming has not hit us too hard just a couple of major world tsunami's and records floods nothing to worry about. On a positive note I am going to the Lupe Fiasco's #FiascoFriday. What is FiascoFriday you ask, You've come to the right place. Its a protest that the fans (thats us) are going to hold on october 15th where we will exercise our first amendment right to peaceably assemble! Looking forward to this on so many levels. A few friends want me to come up with some ideas about what we should do for halloween I'm going to cheat and google what other people have done. I met a girl, she met a boy. Gender roles in society do bare down on us. How are we supposed to act, when are we supposed to kiss, how long to wait till we have sex. the pressures of dating are here again.
lol i love your writings haha