Ladies and Gents, strap in (no pun intended). Put your seat belts on put your tray table in the upright position and get ready for take off. SEX! Pure unbridled hedonistic, Animalistic, Hair pulling, biting, scratching, yelling, moaning, slow down, SPEEED UP! orgasm at the same time SEX. you both know its gonna happen you seen into the future and no longer want to live in the past. you can feel the goosebumps appear on the sides of your arms you can feel the blood rush to your heart and other unseemly parts of the body. no distractions perfect harmony nothing needs to be said but names and yells of passion. for a brief moment you rule the universe, you own the skies and the seas. Everything bows down before you. In that moment when time stands still that person makes you feel like a god or a goddess nay you make yourself feel like a god. When everything just seems to fall into place no awkward silences or moments, not even looking away. Staring into that persons soul and the gateway being her/his eyes you are naked not only baring your body but your soul your insecurities your fantasies your fallacies your triumphs. Not only sharing your body but your soul. I strive for this. I need this. I for a brief moment I am part of creation. I am creating. Every second feels like an eternity, every kiss is perfection, every action accepted. Every muscle moving in unison. I too hope one day you can share in the bliss the moment when you realize life is grand.
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