I do. I need you, Your the nicotine of my life. Just like with quitting you relapse and you miss that feeling of inhaling that first pull. That satisfaction when you fulfill your bodies wants. You know that empty feeling when you haven't smoked for a few hours, and everything seems grey. Well you are the Cigarette for my heart. My heart needs you. Its sending my body all types of signals telling me its missing something, the balance is off. Everything is grey. A man knows with a certain clairvoyance beyond a reasonable doubt what his duty is. What he should do and why. Greater men then I, have attempted for millennia to decipher and decrypt Love. To identify why it drives us mad, to manipulate it, to use it for unjust causes. For just causes. Women have used it for safety, and it would seem, some nobler causes throughout history then us with excess testosterone. For us smokers when someone who has never smoked before ask's what is it like? Am I the only one that has immense difficulty describing the sense of urgency that leaves your body, the euphoric couple of seconds after the smoke hits your lungs. Well Love is kinda sorta like that, we think we know what it means not only does it change for each person its impossible to describe. To quote a Justice of the court, " I know it when I see it" seems prudent. I cant tell you what its like to be loved, but I can tell you what its like not to be.
12804 hours and still counting.
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