I don't do drugs. Not because I don't want to or I think they are bad for you Im just scared. I know myself I know what I am capable of and I need to be constantly in control or else I might do something stupid. At the same time I'm my own worst enemy and hypocrite cause alcohol is a drug its mind altering and its dangerous but I dip in vast quantities of the barrels of moonshine.
but no marijuana and definitely not Cocaine I'm afraid I will like it to much indulge to much not to be able to control the habit and the habit will control me. Other people are stronger then me in that aspect I guess and other people are also weaker then me but I just remove the temptation or the hazard all together.
I finished the merchant of Venice was a wonderfully written piece with tons of helpful hints from the mystery reader that had the book before you in this serendipitous world that we live in I hope maybe one day you come across my blog and read my words as I have read yours. In NY the elections for the Incumbents was held today and I didn't vote shame on me I feel like its my civic duty to make my voice be heard. Yes its just one votes but if you think about the great lengths in which the people trying to get elected go to, to get your vote and the small minute portion of the population that actually show up to vote it doesn't seem fair. Im making it a small pledge to myself to get out and vote for the elections in november so my voice no matter how miniscule can be heard. Its not the same fashion but I would like to think I make my voice heard here on this site. special thanks to the person who made this all possible: ME