That Shit gets me every time. I hate to get ignant but fuck bitches get money. Humans by design are not supposed to be by themselves so you have have to suffer the company of another (esp since sex with someone else is so much better.) but don't think them capable of nothing, put nothing beneath them. I hate to have no faith in the human race but everyone I have ever met in my entire life one way or another has fucked me, (some in a good way). I'd like to think im not innocent either I Have done my fair share of fucking too. People are attracted to me like a fly is too a light. they like to hover and I know I have a commanding presence Im a loud person I speak loud I think fast I talk hard. People think I don't but I reflect a lot. When reading (something I do a lot of) I often stop and just think about how I carried myself and might I be able to do it better.
On another note Im out to China-town catch me at 90 Bowery hanging with the asians only black kid in their circle Im like a chameleon I can fit In anywhere, from surfing and throwing Keggers with my white boy's in Florida to a rap battle in the hood with my triple O.G.'s to Karaoke in Chinatown with the asians singing Avril Lavigne drinking saki. Swagg surfing at an ATL mansion party. Intensely debating why Obama is the best hope we have in 2012 and the republicans don't have a viable candidate thats not 90 years old are an airhead on campus. Protesting the release of Lupe's Fiasco's album on october 15th In front of Atlantic Records. The thing is everyone wants me there I liven shit up. Trust me I'm not one to toot my own horn but I am the life of any party I attend. Like a faviorte line of mine I wanna Be forever young even with limited means no car, time restrictions due to having to go to school I like to think I own NYC and she loves me overall Like paint clothes.
i think this is one of my favorite youve written i really like this i can relate to it hardbody!!