It's my birthday And I can Cry if I want to. Hello lady's and gentleman its that time of the year again that one day where you remember the day you where born, you get to be nostalgic and remeber all the other "birthday's you celebrated" what do I have to think about some good ones some bad ones. some fun ones some miserable ones. 22 I like this double age Im closer to 30 tho so I have 8 years to accomplish something. I don't pray and ask for personal things I just feel like god isnt interested in the small things I want but I will change that today maybe it being my birthday will be some sort of beacon so maybe my prayer will at least be heard.
What are my plans on this special day I will leave it to fate to decide I have a few things I want to do few things Im capable of doing and even fewer things that want to do me :).
Even if I just sat in my backyard and enjoyed the cool breeze on my face with a ice cold class of something and a interesting book this day will be a win. the simple things in life that we enjoy are taken for granted so to the flash and the cash I say all that glitter isn't gold and if the Alchemist has taught me anything is that we usually search for whats right in-front of us so Ive decided to not search and just look forward.
wish i cuda chilled witchya on ya bday homeboiiiiii holler@ me good post