Sunday, July 4, 2010

My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet Land of Liberty.

July 4th, and I'm In C.T. visiting the sister unit and her family. I like to think of myself as a patriot a pridefull american, also a man of honor. While watching the fireworks I had a moment albee a bit corny, I placed my hand over my heart and recited the words to our countrys "anthem" And the rockets red glare and bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was stilllll there. I tingled in my toes and fingertips was in the pre-cry mode where your throat swells up and your eyes water but no actual tears come out. Why? because I stood and reflected and I thought about what my fellow country men years, and years, and years ago had to endure for me to enjoy this moment in a free country. I want to think I really understood the depth of their sacrifice and ask myself if I would have been courages enough to follow suit. Would I have Left my farm and family to fight for equality and my peace of the pie, I hate to get racial but Im black its a fact of life. At that time period would I have been able to fight side by side with my fellow citizens I honestly do not know. I take no offense to the notion that I might have not been able to because I know it would have not been done out of malice but of ignorance. As I get older I start to appreciate the Finer things in life and freedom is top of the list (that and white wine) So I say thank you to the men who stood before me So I can stand now. Hopefully one day I will make an inpact and some guy 234 years from now will write about me and thank me for allowing him to do what I hopefully graciously did today.

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